Cestovné Mongolsko: Najviac sprievodca batohom

V tomto sprievodcovi cestovným ruchom v Mongolsku sa dozviete všetko, čo potrebujete vedieť o cestovaní Mongolska s rozpočtom, vrátane vecí, ktoré nikdy nenájdete vo svojej sprievodnej knihe.

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Úvod do Mongolska

Mongolsko, známe ako „The Land of Blue Sky“, je neobjaveným rajom batohu. Kde inde na svete môžete postaviť stan pre bezplatný v kempe 1,6 milióna km², s senzačnými valcujúcimi zelenými kopcami, trávnymi porastmi, jazerami a riekami ako pozadie? Naložte batoh s zásobami a zmiznite v stepi na pár dní, týždeň alebo dokonca mesiac. Pri cestovaní po Mongolsku je celá krajina vašim kempingom.

Stratte sa v mongolskej púšti, jednej z najviac nepriateľských púšte na planéte, alebo vyskúšajte svoju ruku pri rybolove a vrhnite svoju líniu do pomaly pohybujúcich sa vody s 200 lb príšery, ktoré pretrývajú pod povrchom. Zažite kočovnú kultúru a úroveň slobody, ktorá je nepreukážená kdekoľvek inde na planéte.

S počtom obyvateľov menej ako 3 milióny ľudí (z ktorých polovica sa nachádza v hlavnom meste, so zvyškom rozptýlenými po krajine), je to jedno z najmenej obývaných miest na Zemi. Nikde nie je podobne ako Mongolsko.

Koľko bude stáť cestovanie v Mongolsku?

Rozpočet na Mongolsko
65 dolárov/deň pre 2 osoby.

Rozpočet na cestovanie po Mongolsku skutočne závisí od toho, čo robíte v krajine. Mohli by ste žiť z takmer ničoho, ak práve vychádzajte z obrovského otvoreného stepenia a spíte vo svojom stane každú noc (dôrazne sa odporúča). 65 dolárov / deň pre 2 ľudí vám umožní cestovať po celej krajine autobusom, zostať vo veľkých dvojlôžkových izbách (alebo Gers) a ísť na príležitostnú exkurziu. Vo viac dňoch nezávislých trekov by ste mohli žiť oveľa menej, ale ak často cestujete, dlhé jazdy autobusom sa môžu sčítať a budete minúť oveľa viac.

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Ubytovanie v rozpočte: (zadarmo-30 dolárov/noc)

Ubytovanie pri cestovaní po Mongolsku sa líši od krásnych hotelov a dovolenkárov (mongolské jurty), až po mierne pižmové, rozpadnuté gers s kozím mäsom, ktorý suší sa nad posteľou. Niekedy môžete byť dokonca zvyknutí zostať v rodine zadarmo, ale pre takúto štedrosť sa odporúča malé použitie alebo darovanie. Vo veľkých mestách ako TsetSerleg, Ulan Bator (UB) a Mörön môžete očakávať niektoré skvelé hotelové izby (asi 15-35 dolárov/noc), zatiaľ čo na vidieku budete pravdepodobne spať v GER alebo vo vašom stane.

Štandardný mongolský ger
☞ Kliknite sem a porovnáte ceny a zobrazíte recenzie na možnosti ubytovania v Mongolsku pomocou Booking.com.

Stravovanie: ($ 2-$ 7 / jedlo)

Tieto ceny sa opäť veľmi líšia v závislosti od toho, kde ste v krajine. Niektoré malé, prašné dediny budú podávať chutné dusené mäso a polievky len za pár dolárov, ale v Ulan Bator a ďalších veľkých mestách očakávajú, že za lacné jedlo zaplatia najmenej 5 dolárov. *Poznámka: Cestovanie Mongolsko nie je zážitkom z potravín.

Mongolský dusenec

Vstupné poplatky: ($ 1-3/osoba)

Pravdepodobne jediný čas, kedy budete platiť vstupné, bude v národných parkoch, múzeách a chrámoch. Vstupné poplatky sú veľmi rozumné, dokonca aj v Ulan Bator. Normálne náklady sú medzi 1 – 3 $.

Alkohol: (2 doláre pivo, koktaily 4 dolárov)

Alkohol pravdepodobne nebude veľkou časťou vášho rozpočtu pri cestovaní po Mongolsku, ale pekná, studená fľaša piva Chinggis vás bude stáť asi 1,50 dolárov a koktaily budú okolo 5 dolárov. Vodka je tiež populárna a Mongolovia majú zvyky, ktoré musíte sledovať pred tým, ako urobíte tento alkohol. Po jedle potravín sa odporúča napiť rovnú vodku po konzumácii potravín, na ktoré sa váš žalúdok nemusí zvyknúť. Miestni obyvatelia tiež pijú fermentované kobylové mlieko (Arag), ktoré vám pravdepodobne počas pobytu budete pravdepodobne používať. Tento faulový tonic bude pravdepodobne voľný.


Tipping nie je v Mongolsku obvyklý, ale ako oveľa viac a oveľa viac turistov navštevuje krajinu, očakáva sa v baroch a reštauráciách, ktoré sa zaoberajú cudzincami, malá žiadosť. Očakáva sa a ocenenie aj vyhodenia sprievodcu a motoristu po exkurzii. 10% je prijateľné.


V Mongolsku je tu príliš veľa miest „musíte vidieť“. Strávili sme 1 mesiac cestovaním po Mongolsku a stále máme čo vidieť. Táto krajina je obrovská a zdá sa, že existujú vrcholy akýmkoľvek spôsobom štyri rohy tohto masívneho národa. Poskytli sme iba niekoľko miest, z ktorých musíte vidieť nižšie. Niektorí sme videli, iní „musíme vidieť“ nabudúce!

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Ulan Bator (улаанбатар):

Ak ste dorazili do Ulan Bator (tiež: ulaanbaatar alebo U.B) a vy think that it’s an unattractive slum, then you probably won’t find any other city in Mongolia very appealing. but you’re not here for the cities and while Ulan Bator can appear to be a chaotic mess at first glance, there are some very great areas and it does have some charm. The museums and cultural shows in the capital city are terrific and if you’re heading out into the wilds of Mongolia, this is where you’ll want to stock up on food and goods. check out the state department store for food, clothing and outdoor gear.

Sükhbaatar Square, Ulan Bator
Gorkhi-Terelj national Park (Горхи-Тэрэлж):

Gorkhi-Terelj national Park is one of Mongolia’s premier hiking, trekking and camping destinations and it’s close proximity to the capital (37 km from U.B) indicates that it’s a popular holiday spot for locals. There is an exceptional selection of vacationer gers here and at nearly 3,000 km², there’s a lot of space to wander!

Turtle rock – Terelj national Park

Tsetserleg (Цэцэрлэг):

Probably Mongolia’s a lot of attractive looking sum (provincial capital), Tsetserleg is a great place to start on treks to Terkhin Tsagaan Nuur (White Lake) and Tsetserleg hot Springs (30 km away). The town itself is nestled in a forested valley near the Khangai mountains and there is a great monastery and local market to keep you busy for a couple of days while you plan your trips in the area.

Fairfield guest House

** Goat Note: If you visit Tsetserleg, it would be a shame not to stay at Fairfield guest House. Although it’s not the least expensive option, it’s BY far the best. Run by a delightful Australian couple, Fairfield is the main backpacker hangout.

Lake Khövsgöl (Хөвсгөл нуур):

Known as “Mother Ocean”, Lake Khövsgöl (Khövsgöl Nuur) is the largest lake in Mongolia by volume and is also one of the main vacationer attractions in the country. The lake is located in the far north, close to the Russian border and it’s not easy to get here without a flight.

If you don’t fly into the city of Moron (the closest airport to the lake), in buy to get here independently, you’ll have to take a bumpy 15 hour bus ride from UB to Moron, and another 2-4 hour ride to the southern lakeside town of Khatgal. The other option is to take a excursion out of UB. once you get here you’ll likely see why so lots of people decide to make the tough journey. Khövsgöl is the best place for horse trekking, hiking, canoeing, fishing and just about any other activity you can find while traveling Mongolia.

Terkhiin Tsagaan Nuur (Тэрхийн Цагаан нуур):

One of the most beautiful and easily easily accessible lakes in Mongolia, Terkhiin Tsagaan Nuur or “White Lake” (not to be confused with Tsagaan Nuur in the north) is set amongst the Khangai mountains and is banked by the mighty Khorgo Volcano on its eastern koniec. With so lots of great activities on and around the lake, this is the best place to lace up your hiking boots and head to the trails. There is also a good network of vacationer gers and the windswept lake uses great fishing.

Terkhiin-Tsagaan Nuur (White Lake)
The Altai Mountains (Алтайн нуруу):

You’ll probably want to hop on an expensive flight to get here, rather than trying to survive 30-40 hours of bumpy bus travel from UB. often thought to be the most beautiful region in Mongolia, there are a ton of great treks, superb fishing and some breathtaking scenery in this high altitude landscape. travel here becomes a lot more difficult, but also a lot more satisfying with a backdrop of the 7,000 + meter high Altai Mountains looming behind the northwestern steppe.

Altai Mountains (By Altaihunters, by means of Wikimedia Commons)
Eastern Mongolia:

The huge and seemingly empty steppe of Eastern Mongolia is teeming with some of the country’s a lot of fascinating wildlife. limitless grasslands stretch out to the horizon until they finally meet with the massive blue sky above. follow in the footsteps of history’s a lot of notorious conqueror from the village of Dadal where Chinggis Khaan was born, all the way to the foothills of the Khan Khentii mountains. This is where the Mongol empire began, and despite being one of the most beautiful regions in the country, you’ll find this area nearly completely devoid of tourists.

Must-have Experiences When traveling Mongolia

A horse Trek:

In Mongolia, man’s life revolves around his horse. nearly every song played on the radio expresses the Mongol’s pride in his nation and love for his stallion. There’s no better way to experience the huge open steppe than from the back of one of these revered creatures. plan a day, a week or a month with your horse and guide so that you can see the country as it has been seen for centuries, from horseback.

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Horse Trekking In The Gobi

Drink Arag (Fermented Mare’s Milk):

Did you know that horses produce milk? Did you know that if you let the milk ferment for weeks in the heat that it turns into a vial cocktail that will either put hair on your chest, or peel paint from the walls? Arag is the Mongol drink of choice and if you can keep it down, you may find that you’ll have some great experiences drinking with the locals while they laugh at your grimacing face after every sip.

Even The kids drink Arag In Mongolia!

Try Snuff (Sniffing Tobacco):

It’s starting to sound like you have to sip spirits or snort stimulants to have fun in Mongolia. In reality, snuff will be used to you as a form of respect and if you choose not to inhale the powdery poison into your nose, you can simply take a whiff of the bottle and hand it back without actually inhaling any. Whether you decide to take a hit or not, always receive the bottle with your ideal hand while placing your left hand on your ideal elbow and avoid rejecting the offer completely. At the very least, smell the bottle and hand it back.

Trying Snuff With The local Nomads In The Gobi Desert

Plan An Independent Trek:

Our epic 8 day independent trek through central Mongolia was not only our much-loved experience while traveling Mongolia, it was one of the best things we’ve done in travel. have a look on Google Maps to find a river that seems easy to follow, has a good starting & finishing point, and is popular with local nomads. pack a bunch of freeze-dried food, cooking and sleeping supplies and head out onto the steppe for a multi-day trek. You don’t have to be a professional navigator, you just need to have your wits about you and be able to follow the river. The encounters you’ll have with the wilderness and the nomadic families will stay with you forever.

Our epic 8 Day Mongolian Trek


Did you know that Mongolia is home to the largest freshwater trout in the world? Hucho Taimen or Siberian Taimen can grow to over 200 cm (6’10’) and 100 kg (220 lbs)! mostly found in the northern rivers of Mongolia, the Taimen can be found in both the Arctic and Pacific drainages, specifically the Yenisei/Selenga, the Lena, and the Amur River Basins.

If you’re not trying to land a 100 kg monster, there are plenty of Lenok, Trout and Grayling as well. There is a odd law in Mongolia that says you can only fish with a registered excursion operator. despite this, you can still pick up a fishing license at the Park center in a lot of regional sums and fish legally and independently throughout the country. There is no need to book an expensive excursion to fish in Mongolia.

Fishing The Chulut River – What A View!

Ride A Camel:

The Bactrian Camels of Mongolia are native to central Asia. These camels have two humps, while outside of central Asia, camels only have one hump. These creatures can stand up to -40 degree temperatures in the wintertime and 40 degree summers. If you have the opportunity to hop on one of these furry, funny looking creatures, make sure to jump at the chance!

Visit The Dukha Reindeer Tribes:

If the trip from Ulan Bator to Khovsgol national Park wasn’t hard enough, try hopping on a horse for another 3 days to make it to the Dukha Reindeer Herders of the Taiga in northern Mongolia (also referred to as T

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