Cienfuegos, Kuba: Mini-Guide pre cestujúcich

, ktorý sa nachádza na karibskom pobreží južnej centrálnej Kuby, je Cienfuegos presvedčivým miestom na návštevu. So svojimi farebnými fasádami, veľkými ulicami, ako aj podmanivou francúzskou koloniálnou architektúrou, má oprávnene mať titul Perla de la Sur (Pearl of the South).

Spoločnosť Cienfuegos, založená Francúzom v roku 1819, je jedným z najnovších osád Kuby a cíti sa pomerne odlišné od zvyšku krajiny. Takže nenechávajte toto malebné mesto mimo potreby vidieť zoznam pri plánovaní cestovania na Kubu.

Dostať sa na Cienfuegos

Najjednoduchšou voľbou je skočiť na autobus Viazul, ktorý Criss-Cross Cuba dodáva slušnú, dôveryhodnú sieť dodávok. Normálne sú moderné a čisté, ale môžu mať začarovaný AC, takže nezabudnite, že prinesie mikinu alebo vrchol.

Z havany 2 autobusov odchádzajú každý deň do Trinidadu a zastavia sa v Cienfuegos na polceste, cesta trvá okolo 4,5 hodiny. Počas hlavnej sezóny sa môžu úplne rýchlo naplniť, takže si vstupujte vopred. Nechajte svoj pas pripravený ukázať na autobusovej stanici Viazul v Havane (Nuevo Vedado Area, Ave26, oproti vchodu zoo), aby ste dostali lístky deň pred cestovaním.

Z Trinidad trvá cesta okolo 1,5 hodiny. Nakoniec sme prešli prostredníctvom Santa Clary, ktorá trvala asi 4 hodiny od zjavne nedele. Trochu nápad, skúste sa vyhnúť cestovaniu v nedeľu na Kube! Autobusová stanica Viazul v Trinidade sa nachádza na Gustavo Izquierdo, medzi Simonom Bolivarom a Piro Guinartom, v historickej časti Trinidadu.

Môžete skúsiť ísť vlakom z Havany, ale vlaky na Kube sú bolestivo pomalé a tiež náchylné na poruchy alebo zrušenia. Z ponúkaných informácií sa zdá, že cestovanie z Havany do Cienfuegosu vo vlakom trvá 10,5 hodiny. Ak chcete získať informácie o dátume, skontrolujte vynikajúcu webovú stránku Rail

Ak šoférujte, buďte opatrní, aby niektoré zákruty nie sú dobre známe, ako aj cesta môže neočakávane skončiť bez akéhokoľvek druhu varovania.

Môžete tiež letieť do letového terminálu Jaime González v Cienfuegos z Miami v USA, ale uvedomte si prísne vízové ​​obmedzenia.

Budete požadovať, aby ste pri cestovaní na Kubu požiadali o cestovné poistenie. Je skutočne povinné, aby všetci cestujúci mali poistenie, ako aj vy alebo nemusíte byť požiadaní, aby preukázali poistné krytie pri príchode. Ak chcete získať bezplatný citát od spoločnosti World Nomads, jednoducho prejdite do svojich podrobností nižšie:

Čo vidieť a vystupovať v Cienfuegose, ako aj v Punta Gorda

Preskúmajte centrum Cienfuegos

Metropolitné historické centrum Cienfuegosu je orámované bohatými množstvami ohromujúceho francúzskeho dizajnu, ako aj nič iné ako kdekoľvek inde v krajine. Navrhujeme náklady na chladené popoludnie aspoň na vyskúšanie tejto vynikajúcej stránky svetového dedičstva UNESCO (od roku 2005).

Začnite s kontrolou bulváru Cienfuegos, najdlhšie na Kube, ako aj za úroky krásne maľované fasády. Roztočte sa okolo ohromujúceho námestia Jose Marti a vdýchnite pôvabnosť historicky významných pamiatok.

Spozorujte jeden z druhov Arco de los Trabajadores (Arch of Triumph) venovaný kubánskej nezávislosti. Keď sa prechádzate po slnečných uliciach mesta, nenechajte (nie že by ste mohli) chýbať štrajkujúce dojčenské modré kaštieľ na západnej časti Parque Marti. Je to bývalý Palacio Ferrer, ktorý vytvoril regionálny dizajnér Donato Pablo Carbonell, a dokončený v roku 1918.

Na juh od parku nájdite vládny palác Grandioso Palacio de Gobierno.

Visit Teatro Tomas Terry

This captivating Italian style theatre on the northern side of Parque Jose Marti is one of three vernacular theatres in Cuba. It was made a national Monument in 1978 as well as won an award of Conservation in 2008.

The costs in Cuba are rather affordable as well as for just 2 CUC you can roam inside as well as check out the grandness of this monumental building as well as particularly the 950-seat auditorium.

Check out the atmospheric Teatro cafe Terry sitting between the Teatro Tomás Terry as well as the Colegio San Lorenzo.

Check out the splendid Nuestra Señora de la Purísima Concepción Cathedral

Do roam into this marvellous Cienfuegos Cathedral opposite the Martí Park. The building dates back to 1869 as well as its French stained-glass windows are particularly stunning.

Discover Punta Gorda

You may question what Punta Gorda is. In a nutshell, it’s the upper-end neighbourhood of Cienfuegos. It’s around 3 km away, however simple to reach on footby complying with the Malecon sea wall. If you are not up for walking, just jump into a cab or hale the famous Bici taxi (a bike taxi).

Situated at the edge of the Bay of Cienfuegos, Punta Gorda is genuinely gorgeous. We stayed at the end of the peninsula, as well as absolutely liked it. The location is so relaxed as well as has an fascinating choice or architectural pieces in addition to a lovely marina.

Dance at Cienfuegos Club in Punta Gorda

For a full on Cuban disco with fancy neon lights, online music as well as extraordinary Salsa moves, pop into the stunning Cienfuegos Club. even if you can’t dance, take pleasure in the soulful sunset with a chilly brew in hand.

Cienfuegos Club may be a sports-bar-like place, however it has some amazing views across the marina. inspect out their lunch, dinner, snack or drink menu.

Enjoy the breeze at Marlin Marina

A lovely location to chill out for a cup of coffee or even lunch surrounded by crisp white linen, flowers as well as the sea breeze, if you are prepared to sprinkle out.

If you like sea, you can book a boat excursion around the bay or set up a deep-sea fishing trip. try booking with Cubatur/Cubanacán. You can likewise discover authorized excursion operators in the close-by Jaguar Hotel.

Read More: Cuba With a sprinkle of Spain – Experiencing The special Side of Cienfuegos

Kde zostať

There are lots of choices in Cienfuegos as well as Punta Gorda, from basic casas to visas as well as historic buildings. everything depends upon your taste as well as budget. If you want to experience a special stay with a regional household consider booking a casa specific in Cuba.

Hostal Palacio Azul

Painted in sensational blue, Palacio Azul was developed in 1921 to poise Punta Gorda. The eclectic palace is now renovated into a quaint hostel. It offers panoramic views across the marina as well as only has 7 spaces so make sure to book in advance. The building itself is worth investigating, even if you are not staying there.

Villa Lagarto

For a touch of Cuban luxury, stay at rental property Lagarto. located at the end of the peninsula, it supplies a relaxed stay with lovely view into Cienfuegos Bay.

The spaces right here are small, however clean as well as cosy. The upper floor has a lovely terrace with hammocks as well as rocking Cuban chairs. just envision a combination of a rocking chair, tasty Pina Colada as well as sensational views. The personnel right here are marvellous as well as make terrific cocktails.

The food right here is excellent too. The restaurant, as we discovered out during our stay, is one of the top restaurants in town. We took pleasure in charming breakfast, lunch as well as often dinners here.

For all lodging choices availble in Cienfuegos click right here to compare costs on

Where to eat as well as drink in Cienfuegos

Villa Lagarto

As previously mentioned, head to rental property Lagarto for some food extravaganza. If you want to sprinkle out on lunch, they have a magnificent 7 program menu which includes some incredibly cooked as well as provided dishes, with a sinfully wonderful banana liquor in between courses.

Arabic Palacio de Valle

As you understand by now, Cienfuegos is anything however like the rest of Cuba as well as dining choices in in the traditional neighbourhood of Punta Gorda are not an exception. As you technique the end of Calle 37, you are in for one more architectural surprise.

This amazing ‘One thousand as well as one nights’ looking palace was developed by a Spaniard Acisclo del Valle Blanco in 1917 as well as now homes a high-end restaurant. Pop in for light lunch as well as see the terrace for charming views.

Street snacks along the Malecon

For more affordable eats, walk along the Malecon as well as you will discover bit random stalls grilling tiny burgers or the Cubans selling bags of popcorn in the evening. Both were extremely affordable as well as yummy.

Big Bang Cafeteria

A great little location on Calle 37, excellent for lunch or light dinner.

Benny a lot more bar

For a drink as well as perhaps some Salsa moves, pop into the widely known Benny a lot more nightclub.

You must likewise never neglect the regional bars as well as there are rather a few of themSkrytie na poschodí v náhodných budovách neďaleko námestia Jose Marti v Cienfuegose, stačí zdvihnúť oči hore a nebojte sa vchádzať. .

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Výdavky na cestovanie na Kube: Úplné rozdelenie rozpočtu

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